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Il generale Antonio Ricciardi, alla guida del Comando Unità Forestali, Ambientali Agroalimentari (CUFAA) dei Carabinieri, gia vicecomandante dell’Arma, è stato ospite oggi del parco nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, monte Falterona e Campigna.
Pubblicato il:
Friday, 23 February, 2018
Friday morning in Badia Prataglia, ideal hinge connection between Romagna and Tuscany. Forestry Department and National Park into a popular event on the relationship with the natural environment
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Tuesday, 29 November, 2016
The "wolf howling". Over the weekend two excursions in the Casentino Forests to learn about the wolf and hear "the voice".
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Monday, 21 November, 2016
Oltreterra Year 2: the new economy for the mountains. 4 to 6 November 2016 Bagno di Romagna, in the Park of Casentino Forests, Mount Falterona and Campigna
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Wednesday, 2 November, 2016
Back Sunday the event dedicated to sculpture and wood crafts. A Badia Prataglia, in the Casentino Forests, "The masters of the wood".
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Thursday, 11 August, 2016
Back in late September the extraordinary adventure at night with red deer in the Casentino Forests "Census 2016 to bellow", officially opened the registrations
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Wednesday, 10 August, 2016
"Second Star to the Right" ... "Walking with the stars ..." in the National Park of Casentino Forests. Many hiking programs at night in the Casentino Forests to admire the spectacle of the summer sky and shooting stars.
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Monday, 1 August, 2016
Botanical Garden Valbonella and San Paolo in Alpe. Ancient cultivars and tradition, two festive days in the National Park
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Tuesday, 21 June, 2016
"A Park to be read in one breath." Forests in the Casentino in e-bikes (electrically assitita to ride bikes) with writers Paul Ciampi, Marco Vichi and Paola Zannoner two days "to sustainable mobility" up and down in the protected area Friday and Saturday next (24/25 June).
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Friday, 17 June, 2016
Contrast to the phenomenon of the poisoning of wild animals. The national project (Life Pluto) will be presented in the Casentino Forests Thursday (June 16), at 15, 30 at the visitor center of Badia Prataglia Park At the end demonstration of the operational activities of dog lovers nuclei at the arboretum Siemoni.
Pubblicato il:
Friday, 10 June, 2016


