The "Path of Sacred Forests" is a proposal aimed at the most attentive visitors, to hikers who want a different interpretation of the territory, allowing interesting discoveries and pleasant sensations. It consists of seven stages, from Lago di Ponte di Tredozio to La Verna, seven days in which cars and towns are rarely encountered, but the green mantle of the Casentino Forests is crossed, with the possibility of visiting the most evocative places, escaping from the noise of the city for a while, to discover sounds of a much more pleasant and relaxing nature, with rustling, gurgling, the creak of footsteps or the beating of rain on the foliage of trees... music for the ears of the modern traveller!
> Discover the route of the seven stages of the Path of Secret Forests;
> Consult the list of accommodation facilities recommended;
> Consult the information on transport for return to starting point.
> Download the route track in gpx and kml format;
> Download the PNFC trekking mapp, an app dedicated to hiking enthusiasts, allowing to "navigate" the Park's trails even in offline mode;
The pubblications on the path
"The woods were the first temples of humanity. In the cloistered shadow of forests, ancient men venerated the mystery of life and death in the allegory of vegetative rebirth long before monotheistic religions found their privileged place of divine revelation in the desert. In the Christian context, the eternal link between spiritual research and forests finds one of its highest and most complete expressions in the mountains of the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines. The thick of these woods, which for their vastness and beauty are unequalled in Italy, have actually welcomed monks for over a thousand years, living in a close relationship with the surrounding environment, from which they obtained precious timber but where they also found the conditions necessary for contemplation, inner recollection, and prayer."
This is the opening of the book dedicated to the sacred forests of the Park territory; with these effective words Mario Vianelli (author of the text with Sandro Bassi) briefly describes the special relationship of these forests with spirituality and with holy men who have decided to live their Christian experience here. This specific union between nature and spirituality is the theme of the path that has been created and that crosses the Park, touching on all the most significant points from a spiritual point of view. The publication is divided into two parts: the first is a historical study, dedicated to the religiosity of the forest; the second is an excursion, with the description of the routes of the various days. Obviously, hikers are free to choose whether to walk the whole path or just some stages, or to adapt them to their abilities and his interests. In addition to the routes, various points of interest are described, even if not directly touched by the route, to offer readers the widest possible opportunity to visit.
> Buy the book on the "Books and Cartography" pages