The eighteenth-century palace, transformed into a hotel, was until the last century the hunting lodge of the House of Lorraine. The command of the local forest station, as in Camaldoli and Badia Prataglia, houses a naturalistic museum which opens on request. A short distance away, a columnar trunk of white fir lying on the ground is a testimony of the majesty and the enormous heritage that the forest of Campigna had. Much of the head of the Bidente di Campigna valley is covered by the fir and beech forest which, near the ridge, gives way to the pure beech forest. In 1976, on the basis of a Council of Europe resolution, the whole area was recognized as a biogenetic nature reserve. The purpose of the reserve is to preserve a highly representative strip of the Apennine mountain landscape and to protect the precious heritage of biological, floristic and faunal diversity it contains.