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Path of Sacred Forests

Foreste sacre
The "Path of Sacred Forests" is a proposal aimed at the most attentive visitors, to hikers who want a different interpretation of the territory, allowing interesting discoveries and pleasant sensations. It consists of seven stages, from Lago di Ponte di Tredozio to La Verna, seven days in which cars and towns are rarely encountered, but the green mantle is crossed.
The publication is divided into two parts: the first is a historical study, dedicated to the religiosity of the forest; the second is an excursion, with the description of the routes of the various days. Obviously, hikers are free to choose whether to walk the whole path or just some stages, or to adapt them to their abilities and his interests. In addition to the routes, various points of interest are described, even if not directly touched by the route, to offer readers the widest possible opportunity to visit.
Format: 13x23 - 144 pages


Price: €10.00