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The "chant" of Forests On 11 and 12 June in Badia Prataglia a workshop on "Bioacustica and ecoacustica for environmental noise monitoring." In the National Park of Casentino Forests and with the Universities of Pavia, Bologna and the CFS

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Monday, 16 May, 2016
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The "soundscape" is not only the object of aesthetic relevance: also assumes ethical values, cultural, recreational and scientific. The moment you recognize as a representation of the structure and diversity of an environment his acoustic expression, this becomes an instrument of study and monitoring. Bioacoustics, born as a complement of ethology to study the communicative dimension in animals, has widened its scope of action to the study of habitats and biodiversity monitoring, showing great potential in educational activities related to nature. The acoustic ecology and bioacustica thus become an integrated discipline - the ecoacustica - aimed to study the soundscapes from the scientific point of view, with conservation purposes, the protection, management and enhancement. the meeting of Badia Prataglia will represent an opportunity to take stock of these materials and the research projects in collaboration between the National Park, the University of Pavia and Bologna and C.F.S.



The two day event opens Saturday at 9 with the introduction, the welcome and presentation of the workshop by the moderator, John Quilghini, Territorial Bureau Chief for the biodiversity of Pratovecchio.
Followed by greetings from Luca Santini, Sergio Paglialunga - President and Director of the National Park of Casentino Forests - and a director of the State Forestry Corps, General Inspectorate, Office for biodiversity..

10 to begin the discussion of general topics with the participation of Gianni Pavan, of the department of biology and biotechnology at the University of Pavia, entitled "Introduction to the natural environment sounds: the soundscape and ecoacustica". Will follow the contribution "Animal communication and human perception of the forest" Dino Scaravelli (University of Bologna, School of Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine). After the coffee break Gianni Pavan will of "The environmental noise monitoring: research, preservation and dissemination." Follow exposures Guido Tellini Florenzano - Italian Dream - and Pierpaolo Ceccarelli - Tern - "acoustic survey methods of species of forest birds." Dino Scaravelli and biologist Pamela Priori will close this section talking about the "bioacoustic methods bat survey (bats editor's note) in forest environments." The afternoon session, after lunch (in agreement, to 13, in the Badia Prataglia structures) will open at 14 with "technical and scientific applications."
Gianni Pavan and Dino Scaravelli describe the experience "The sound analysis as a tool for environmental management - The SABIOD" project. "Forest management for bats: from theories
Practice "will be further explained, followed by Dino Scaravelli and Pamela Priori. Thomas Campedelli then will report on" Bats and coniferous forests: the case of the Casentino Forests "National Park.
Shut Guido Tellini Florenzano and Pierpaolo Ceccarelli with "The bird atlas project" and Marco Mencucci Park, head of the CTA-CFS National Park, which will treat of "The use of the wolf-howling in the monitoring of the Wolf."
At 17, at the end, you will be able to participate in the "Workshop of acoustic analysis with the interpretation of the sounds picked up in the forest and the sound installation presented in the forestry museum Carlo Siemoni of Badia Prataglia". It 'also planned a visit to the forest museum, with the presentation of the room dedicated to the natural reserve of Sasso mallards and to the Lama forest in the nature reserve biogenetic of Badia Prataglia.


ISunday's schedule includes a study of the sounds in the field through bio-acoustic methods and tools applied to research in the Lama forest in the nature reserve biogenetic of Badia Prataglia.
At 9 is expected the meeting at the visitor center of Badia Prataglia, ahead of the transfer in the Lama forest. After lunch we will return in the health resort on the Tuscan-Romagna ridge.
For information you can contact the Territorial Office for Biodiversity of Pratovecchio (0575. 583 763; or the information office of the Pratovecchio Park (0575. 503 029;

"Great interest, even outside the national borders, have collected the important and fascinating research on the 'song of nature', the bioacustica and ecoacustica. Consider, for example, the interesting article that the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has dedicated the last fall at the primitive sounds of Sasso Plover, captured by the working group of Gianni Pavan, University of Pavia. the Park, bolstered by a wealth of flora and fauna unique in Italy, in collaboration with the best Italian universities and State Forest, boasts an extremely important role in the body in the field of environmental research. " Luca Santini, president of the institution of protected area management.